Collective Worship
At Hall Orchard, we have a daily act of worship which is central to school life.
This is important to all members of our school community as we value the chance to be together and reflect on the values that are part of our distinctiveness as a Church of England school.
Collective Worship offers the opportunity for all pupils and adults to grow spiritually through experiences of prayer, stillness, worship and reflection. It can take many forms through music, singing, stories, prayer, reflection and festivals.
Our Collective Worship takes full account of the Christian Calendar and each week explores a key Christian theme or Value.
Our pattern of Collective Worship allows a wide range of our school community to take an active role in planning, leading and evaluating Collective Worship.
- Monday – Headteacher’s Collective Worship to Introduce the theme or value
- Tuesday – Values/Big Questions explored through a Bible story or verse – often delivered by class teachers
- Wednesday – Singing Collective Worship - led by our music coordinator
- Thursday –'Members of the Church' Worship – either the Vicar from Holy Trinity, Methodist Minister or Baptist Preacher
- Friday - Class-led Family Collective Worship - parental engagement
We encourage our children to reflect on Collective Worship to support their spiritual development. This is often recorded through Reflection Books kept by each class.