Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch
What is Lunch bunch?
Lunch bunch is a lunchtime club where children can enjoy the social situation of eating lunch together and taking part in meaningful conversation. After eating, children can participate in fun and engaging activities, both inside and outside, designed to promote positive social interactions and develop social-emotional skills.
Why do we do this and what do we want to achieve for our pupils?
Our aim at Hall Orchard is to develop and secure the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of all of our pupils.
How do you do this?
- We ensure every child enjoys the time they share together and has fun
- We promote and encourage our school values
- Provide the children with strategies to use in tricky or difficult situations
- Build each child’s confidence to use their voice and share their problems
- We support the making and building of new friendships
- We provide a calming, structured lunch time to support those who may struggle during unstructured times.
Why do we do this?
We do this because we all matter and we believe in supporting all of our students.
What skills will children learn?
All children are supported to learn the following skills:
- Turn taking
- Sharing
- Respect
- Strategies to use in difficult situations
- Self-awareness
- Social skills
- Communication skills
- Resilience
- Kindness
- Understanding of different feelings and emotions
- Friendship skills