Our School Dog - Nelson
Nelson is our school dog. He is a golden retriever and has been spending time at our school since he was just 15 weeks old. Nelson lives with Mrs Roodhouse and is receiving training through the Kennel Club. He will gradually be spending more time with pupils in school as he completes his training.
There are many benefits to having a school dog, including:
- a calming effect on pupils, particularly those with behavioural or learning difficulties
- improved behaviour and concentration, reduced stress and improved self-esteem
- encouraging expression and participation in more withdrawn children
- fostering a sense of responsibility
- motivating pupils to think and to learn, as most children have a high level of natural interest in, enthusiasm for and enjoyment of animals
- encouraging respect and thereby improving pupils’ relationships with each other, parents and teachers
- teaching children to nurture and respect life
- helping work undertaken with the most vulnerable children, and educational improvements with low achievers
- helping children build confidence in reading.
We are aware that some parents, teachers and children may be unsure around dogs and we have organised school assemblies and workshops to take place by The Dog’s Trust so that all members of our community are aware of what to do and, more importantly, what not to do around a dog. We are also aware that some children may have allergies to dogs, and we ask that parents inform the school if this is the case.
Nelson’s main place of residence in school will be in Mrs Roodhouse’s office, which is secure and separate from the classrooms. Children will be able to interact with the dog under strict supervision at certain times of the week as long as parental permission has been given. Nelson will not be given access to other visitors without supervision or mutual consent. Please understand that we will do everything we can to reassure children who are fearful and that under no circumstances will they be forced to meet with Nelson.
Whilst moving around the school, Nelson will be kept on a short lead and will always be with an adult.