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Pastoral Care

What is pastoral care?

Pastoral care is the provision schools make to ensure the physical, emotional and mental welfare of all of their pupils.
The pastoral care provision at Hall Orchard CE Primary strives to ensure that all children feel safe, happy, valued and involved in the school community and able to perform to their full potential.

Pastoral care team at Hall Orchard CE Primary

Hall Orchard CE Primary has a team of Pastoral carers led by the Pastoral Lead and a team of LSAs and ELSAs. They have dedicated rooms for one-to-one support and small group sessions.

Photograph of R Harrison Pastoral Lead Trained ELSA Photograph of M Clarkson Trained ELSA Photograph of J Gethins LSA

R Harrison
Pastoral Lead
Trained ELSA

M Clarkson
Trained ELSA

J Gethins

If you have any questions, please contact the team at: