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Pupil Premium Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2020 to 2021 academic year.

Pupil Premium funding from the 2022-23 academic year was used for the following desired outcomes:

  • Outstanding achievement in reading for all pupil premium pupils.
    • LEXIA – Pupil Premium pupils had school and home access to LEXIA, this  was monitored closely every 6 weeks to ensure pupils, even during the school closure, were accessing LEXIA and making progress. Where progress was slower, children were given personalised learning targets to meet their goals. Children were provided with 3 new books as well as additional resources to provide learning support during school closures to encourage the continued enjoyment of reading. Pupil progress was monitored on the reopening of the school and teachers used the diagnostic assessments to identify gaps in learning and create interventions to close the gaps.
  • Outstanding achievement in reading, writing and maths for all pupil premium children.
    • Small group tuition and 1-1 tuition was used in upper Key Stage 2 based on identified pupil need from question level analysis (PiXL tests). Their progress was tracked and monitored through every data drop ensuring the pupils were on track to make at least expected progress.
  • Increase attendance for pupils eligible for pupil premium.
    • COVID continued to have a huge impact on pupil attendance throughout the year. A rigorous approach underpinned by a revised attendance policy was strenuously applied. Support was provided to families struggling to get their children into school. Our EWO was also used to support the reduction of PA throughout the year (and increase overall attendance) - which showed signs of success.
  • Build resilience and self-esteem of identified pupils.
    • A lasting impact of the Covid pandemic has been the need to provide even greater levels of emotional support. During school closures, staff was released daily to provide daily ‘check-ins’ with all pupils but focussing on pupil premium children to ensure that they were being resilient and building their confidence. Additional resources were provided to particular children to develop the children’s self-esteem. Social communications groups were also maintained to ensure improving learning behaviours and self-esteem of pupils. These bespoke ‘packages of support’ continue to be provided for our most vulnerable pupils.

Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England





Times Tables Rockstars

TT Rockstars

PiXL Therapies and Tests

PiXL Primary