School Sports Objectives
Area of focus |
Action |
Sustainability |
Raise the profile of PE throughout the school community. |
Regular sports and achievement assemblies for both KS1 and 2 Focus on North Charnwood events, clubs and PE in school Offer external events to parents and children (Such as the Prestwold Hall cross country) Continue 10 minutes of daily activity in each classroom Ensure 2 hours of PE weekly for each class |
Ensure that Hall Orchard take part in Team Charnwood organised events. Encourage participation for cross country in KS2 in the Autumn term. Ensure that children complete both morning and/ or afternoon 10 minute activity and that teachers are familiar with PE Scheme of Work |
Maintain and try to increase participation rates for inter school competitions through our subscription to Charnwood School Sports Partnership and consistent staff to support.
Renewed subscription to the Charnwood School Sports Partnership Consult the events calendar before offering clubs for each half term to gauge interest and ability amongst the children Offer all children the chance to express their interest for an inter school competition through regular updates and assemblies |
Promotion of events through the Orchard Oracle, school notice board and assemblies Practice sessions for events after a team has been chosen |
Encourage the school community to join inclusive extracurricular clubs |
Promotion of clubs to the children as well as parents – Via assemblies/ on sports notice board/ a more interactive format than parent mail. Add in benefits of extracurricular clubs. |
Promotion of clubs through the Weekly Newsletter, social media, school notice board and regular assemblies |
Staff CPD |
Ensure that all staff are confident to teach the PE scheme of work, offering CPD opportunities throughout the year to gauge confidence and where gaps may lie in order to plan effective and relevant training |
Regular monitoring and opportunity to develop staff skills
To develop as a ‘Healthy school’ |
With help from PSHE / Science leads, to raise the profile of Healthy Eating, Physical exercise and positive mental health. Encourage children to bring healthy snacks to school
Review of heatmaps across the school to identify areas where physical activity can be increased Liaise with PSHE / Science leads on a regular basis in a cycle of review / plan/ do / review. |