School Uniform

- Grey skirt or pinafore dress
- Grey trousers or shorts
- White polo shirt
- Blue sweatshirts, cardigans or fleeces with the school logo on.
- Pale blue and white checked dress (summer).
- Black school shoes with white, grey or black socks / black or grey tights, no trainers
Blue sweatshirts, cardigans, fleeces and polo shirts with the school logo on can be purchased from Example school uniforms on Sileby Road Barrow-upon-Soar , Link Clothing at 8 Brook Lane Barrow-upon-Soar or from Loughborough market. All items of clothing must be named.
A small selection of second-hand uniform is available from reception on request.
PE Kit
Some form of physical activity takes place most days. This may be PE or Games, inside or outside. Your child must have a change of clothing for these activities kept in a bag. PE kit should be left in school all week so that it is readily available.
We expect children to have the following:
- Black shorts
- White T. shirt
- Plimsolls for indoor P.E.
- Trainers for outdoor P.E.
- Tracksuit/warm top for cold weather (black, blue or grey)
- A suitable bag to store their PE kit.
Kit should be clearly labelled. It will not stop them losing it but at least they may get it back!
PE and Games are not the same thing. Trainers which are worn outside are not safe on indoor apparatus. Plimsolls or bare feet are suitable for indoor work. Football shirts for outdoor games are not appropriate for indoor P.E.
We do not allow the wearing of jewellery and ear-rings must be removed for PE. Parents who wish their children to have their ears pierced should arrange for this at the start of the summer holidays when “studs” can be kept in for 6 weeks.
Large colourful hair accessories/head bands and nail varnish are not permitted to be worn at school.