Year 3 Autumn 1
Click on the links below to open the relevant Maths-need-to-know document | |
Developing fluency with adding and subtracting facts to 10 |
Finding how many by grouping in 10s and 100s |
Developing fluency with adding and subtracting facts to 20 |
Exploring hundreds, tens and units with base-ten apparatus |
Exploring the inverse relationship between adding and subtracting |
Keeping count and writing numbers down |
Mental methods for adding single-digit numbers |
Reading |
Writing |
Fiction – Smash and Grab (A mystery story) Exploring how authors create mystery and suspense. |
To write a mystery story that creates and builds atmosphere. |
Non-fiction – Wanted: A New Planet (non-chronological report) Exploring key features of non-chronological reports. |
To write a non-chronological report. |
Design and Technology
E Safety
Games |
Ball skills with a focus on invasion games Play competitive games to consolidate passing and receiving skills with hands. Develop control and balance to apply simple tactics when playing competitive games. Recognise how to improve their performance to achieve their personal best. |