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Year 5/6 Autumn 1

Maths-Year 5

Click on the links below to open the relevant Maths-need-to-know document  

Numbers and the Number System 1

Working with numbers up to a million

Calculating 4

Developing fluency with multiplying and dividing

Pattern and Algebra 3

Properties of number

Numbers and the Number System 2

Exploring equivalence with fractions

Numbers and the Number System 3

Understanding decimals

Numbers and the Number System 6

Comparing and ordering fractions

Maths-Year 6

Click on the links below to open the relevant Maths-need-to-know document  

Numbers and the Number System 1

Working with numbers beyond a million and decimals

Calculating 4

Column methods for adding and subtracting

Calculating 9

Written column methods of multiplying



Linking topic

History:World at War

Core text

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

Key writing outcomes


Persuade (non-fiction)
Ministry of Defence pamphlet about the requisition of horses to be used at the front line and to persuade town folk to sell their horses
Chapter 4

Entertain (fiction)
First person emotive description from the perspective of Joey upon being reunited with Albert
Chapter 17

Supporting texts/resources

  • Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll
  • Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo
  • Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo
  • Hitler's Canary by Sandi Toksvig
  • I Believe in Unicorns by Michael Morpurgo
  • The Grand Mosque of Paris: A Story of How Muslims Rescued Jews During the Holocaust by Deborah Durland Desaix and Karen Ruelle
  • Once by Morris Gleitzman



Design and Technology

E Safety






Invasion games – Hockey

Understand and demonstrate a range of controlled passing, receiving, striking, shooting and dribbling skills using a hockey stick. Know and understand the positions they play in hockey and show specific attacking and defending skills. Describe the main strengths and weaknesses in an individual or team performance.



