Staff at Hall Orchard contribute to Collective Worship and on a weekly basis assemblies are led by a member of the local clergy Rev Clive Watts, Rev Neil Jones and Rev Sandra Marshall.
Class Assemblies are held throughout the year to which parents and carers are invited.
We have close links with and value the support of the local ministers and congregations of the Baptist, Methodist and Church of England Churches.
At Holy Trinity Church we:
- Celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter. Parents are invited to celebrate with us at Harvest and Christmas.
- Are involved in the annual tree festival.
- Celebrate our Year 6 Leavers with a special service, to which parents / carers are invited.
- Raise money for Charities
- Enhance our learning linked to different curriculum areas.
- Mark the close of the academic year with a whole school service.
At the Baptist Church we:
- Enhance our learning in RE when learning about places of worship and Baptism.
- Have contributed art work for the churches' 200 years event.
At the Methodist Church we:
- We display our Christmas artwork and visit each year to look at the Christmas Nativity Scenes.
In addition to visiting local churches we also value other faiths and visit other places of worship.
Beliefs and Values
Our beliefs and values are engrained within everything we do at Hall Orchard CE Primary School. They drive the direction of our school and are at the heart of what we do to improve educational outcomes for children. Our school is a caring family where everyone is valued and encouraged to achieve their potential as well as to have respect for God and His world.
Our core values incorporate the 15 Christian Values and are as follows:
- Community (Creation, Koinonia, Peace, Service)
- Friendship (Friendship, Compassion, Forgiveness, Justice, Thankfulness, Trust)
- Respect (Humility, Justice, Reverence)
- Resilience (Endurance, Wisdom)
- Aspiration (Hope)
Vision Statement
For our children to be confident, ambitious learners who demonstrate the personal values and skills necessary to make a positive contribution to the global community.
To be an excellent school where all children achieve their best.